
Timeline examples in word
Timeline examples in word

timeline examples in word

timeline examples in word

If you’re researching or studying somebody else’s life, the best way for you to share the information with others is through this type of timeline. This application is more specific, like when you need to portray the order of events in a person’s life. For instance, the evolution of a particular subject. You can also use a vertical timeline template to depict chronological transformations. Whether you are a student with a history assignment, a history teacher or just somebody with an interest in the subject, you can use this timeline. This is one subject where you can perfectly apply a vertical timeline as it portrays historical facts chronologically. Aside from this, you can also use this type of timeline in other applications including: History

#Timeline examples in word series#

Using a vertical timeline template Word is perfect when there’s a need to present a story or a series of events chronologically. Vertical timeline 31 (497.00 KB) When to use a vertical timeline But the greater benefit is that the vertical one is the best orientation for reading, either on the screen or on paper, because there’s no need to turn, reorient or scroll. In both an ergonomic and aesthetic sense, a vertical timeline is easy to follow using your eyes as the horizontal one. But with the vertical timeline, you just have to flip the line and begin with the most significant event. You can visually imagine that this isn’t possible with a horizontal timeline for the simple reason that it reads from left to right. There are instances when you want to input the most important achievements as the first point in the timeline. It allows for flexibility when you need to represent priority Here are the main reasons why you need to create a vertical timeline template Word: You can also use one to record the progress of a certain project or goal. You can use a vertical timeline template to track the achievements and milestones of a person.

timeline examples in word

Timelines are typically needed in project planning and management, whether it be personal or business-related. We will still use timelines in various projects and in a variety of settings. Many of us have used them during our school days like when we got assigned to represent the life cycle of a butterfly, a tree or some other living thing. We have all encountered timelines at some point in our lives. Vertical timeline 21 (40.00 KB) Why do you need a vertical timeline? This form is ideal for timelines which are text-heavy, have a lot of sections, and few visuals. This means that you place all the contents on the right side of the main line. This time, rather than having branches coming off on either side of the main line, you place it on the left side of the page. This is the other form of a vertical timeline which many consider as effective and as popular as the centered timeline. Using a vertical timeline is ideal when you have several points which require a combination of images and text.

timeline examples in word

Should you need more space, you can extend the page’s length. It has enough space where you can write long descriptions. The centered timeline is also very flexible. People would, at first glance, already identify what the message it conveys without having to study it any further. Moreover, the setup makes it extremely easy to follow. Having a centered layout gives the template simplicity and symmetry to give an appealing look. As the name implies, the timeline runs down the very center of the page, with lines or branches coming out on alternate sides of the main line. Most users have a preference for this form. Here are the different types of vertical timeline templates you can create: Centered The vertical timeline layout is now a very popular layout when it comes to displaying different types of information. Vertical timeline 11 (133.00 KB) Types of vertical timeline layouts

Timeline examples in word